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What’s Thalas Steele’s Problem? :: Not Having Enough Thalas Steeles

Thalas Steele has been training and motivating his clients to be their best-self since 2009.




His role in improving his clients’ quality of life is that of an educator and motivator through fitness programs and nutritional guidance. He stresses the long-term health benefits of improving one’s strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness which invariably lead to better health and longevity.


What is Thalas’ problem?

Building a business around his personal brand which he can step away from at some point, duplicating himself.



A few things came up:


*11 years into training as a business owner

*Wife and sister got him into training by having him train people in the church congregation and their friends while he was working at ford motor credit

*Make more money than your age

*Has a studio in Franklin and one in Columbia. Aiming to bring other trainers to help others

*Transitioned from finding people who are as passionate as him to finding people who like to help others and train them and then grow them

*Looking for a facility where he can host an adult field day or host events that are like working out yet fun

*The body is one of the most precious gifts we have been given and must take care of it so we can provide for the family

*What’s holding back on the large facility is money and the right piece of property or building

*Latest personal problem is not being able to physically do what he used to be able to do since he is fixing to turn 40

*Training style is infectious and enjoys the process of figuring things out and what helps the body move and how to improve those movements

*Always enjoys being in the moment and living life to the fullest in the moment




Follow Thalas::



Talking about the real problems (and possible solutions) of everyday business owners and professionals in and around Middle Tennessee and beyond…this is the What’s Your Problem Podcast!


WYP is recorded and shot in the Big Dot Lighting HQ in Spring Hill, TN.


WYP Intro VO: @johndavidwells

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